If you are a University, hospital, clinic, group practice or community-based organization, or nonprofit with mental health and medical staff who may benefit from being trained to use the Save An Aging Life Screening app and how to identify, and address intimate partner violence in aging couples.
The Save an Aging Life Screening Cards is a tool that can assist Healthcare and Mental Health providers, social agents and law enforcement officers with the process of detecting whether one of their consumers has been a victim of domestic violence and abuse. From physical, emotional, to financial abuse this tool is a fast and effective way to determine whether or not a consumer is at risk.
By Thelese Consulting
Saving an Aging Person’s Life Screening Tool is a mental health tool to spark a conversation about Elder Abuse. Abuse comes in a variety of types. There is physical, emotional, verbal, and financial abuse. This screening tool seeks to eliminate any verbal challenges or fear created by speaking by creating an interactive tool that is image driven with resources integrated into it.
Hidddden No More (HNM), a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency seeks to identify, address, and treat Intimate Partner Violence amongst Aging Couples by increasing and improving screening with healthcare providers and social services agents.